In December of 2019 I held my first art show. My team and I have been eager to do another since then, so this 10 year anniversary is more of an excuse than the sole reason for this art show existing. This sentiment plays into who we are: we value art of all mediums, we appreciate things in their truest forms, and we take joy in cultivating community. This show is personal because it’s in the city that I wake up to each morning; it’s on the street that I walk on to get to my studio; it’s in a venue that is fueled by DIY culture and it’s filled with family, friends, and familiar faces. This art show is a direct line from me to you.


Saturday May 4th, 2024

With the Introductions series I developed a somewhat formulaic process that allowed me to work efficiently, giving me the ability to focus on technique and flow. After 6 large scale paintings using this meticulous process, I noticed my creative connection with art was starving and needed a refresh.

Currently, I’m trying to allow myself to not think too hard. To give myself the space to create without expectations in order to reestablish a connection with my conscious, and find the purest form of my own self-expression. I’m focusing on uncovering and learning about myself again, especially in the creative sense. My recent works are byproducts of that exploration and experimentation; they’re artifacts of my journey.

- Geoff Pascual


This design celebrates 10 years of Pascual Productions. The stamped images are a result of hand carved lino-cuts of scenes along my usual walk to the studio. The clock tower is part of the historic Spurgeon Building where my studio is located. Fruit carts are iconic to downtown and are scattered throughout 4th Street.

A note from the waifu:

My goal for creating these collage boards was to showcase not only Geoff’s artistic range, but also his love and dedication to his craft. From figure drawing with charcoal to messing around with crayons; the medium isn’t what matters because he finds enjoyment in all things creative.

- Jana Pascual



This zine is a photocopy of one of my hand-bound sketchbooks from 2020. It ‘s a candid look into my everyday studies.

Original Paintings